Hatching Hope - Research Methods (UX)

A Global Initiative and Cargill’s Corporate Responsibility Program in multiple countries, has a goal to improve lives of 100 million people by 2030 through production, promotion, and consumption of poultry.

Hatching Hope - Research Methods (UX)

Hatching Hope - Research Methods

Users Tribal Backyard Poultry People
Users Types Poultry Farmers, CAVE (Vaccinators), Hatchery, Feed Millers, SHG (Self Help groups), FPO (Market)
Application Type Application type: Mobile Android (PWA)
CMS: Tab, Laptop and Desktop Users
Application Motive Optimize their total cost of Input, enhance farm productivity and Quality of Produce, and access the Marketplace.

Research Methods we are followed Qualitative Methods: Interviews, Focus Groups, Filed Study
In December 2022 we travelled to Orrisa for a field visit to understand the lifestyle and poultry farms functionality of tribal people. Conducted One to one interview, Group discussions and Field study with all the user types.
Quantitative Methods: User Surveys, First click testing, Heatmapping
We conduct the user surveys with questionnaires with structured format targeting user personas. We went with a basic Figma prototype model to understand the mobile using ability of users. We conducted a test setup to analyze application usability to complete task. Visual mapping of data shows us how user click and scroll through prototype.
Analyzed Major issues Most people are Illiterates (90% they are unable to read or write English, 50% of people can understand the state official language)
Tribal Areas (poor Networking)

Solutions were tailored to the observed user behavior, acknowledging the prevalent use of touch screen mobiles and a preference for visual and color-centric views. The application focused on three key areas represented by colors: Vaccination (Green), Deworming (Yellow), and Mortality (Red). Additionally, recognizing the importance of community collaboration, the application included a feature allowing Self-Help Groups (SHG) leaders to control and view their group members' accounts, fostering effective management within the community.