Hatching Hope – Application Services and Features

A Global Initiative and Cargill’s Corporate Responsibility Program in multiple countries, has a goal to improve lives of 100 million people by 2030 through production, promotion, and consumption of poultry.

Hatching Hope – Application Services and Features
Hatching Hope Application Services and Features

Hatching Hope – Application Services and Features

Farm Advisory

A pivotal aspect of the application is its commitment to cultivating awareness and comprehensive knowledge among farmers on crucial poultry-related topics. The platform is designed to offer farmers easy access to the latest advisory services, including government initiatives and schemes. Additionally, users can benefit from specialized training modules.

The application takes a proactive approach by providing timely notifications on disease predictions. In the event of a disease outbreak either locally or within the state, the Heifer administration team will issue precautionary and preventive alerts. This feature ensures that farmers receive timely information, allowing them to take necessary measures to protect their poultry and prevent potential losses. The integration of advisory services, training, and disease predictions showcases the application's holistic support for farmers, fostering informed decision-making and promoting the overall health and productivity of poultry farming.

My Community 

A feature, that is intended to act as a medium or platform for integrating all the input(supporting) entities for BYP. Provides a coordinated and collaborative space for the Farmers, Vaccinators, Feed miller, Hatchery entrepreneurs to come together, interact and highlight their problems and get an informed and faster solution through poultry community.
Users may use it as a social networking space to post comments and questions to other members of the Poultry community, Share and like the comments posted in the Forum.


A crucial feature designed to empower farmers in managing and improving the vaccination process, disease control, and overall health and safety of their flock is integrated into the application. With this feature, farmers gain the ability to:

1. Track Vaccination Schedule and Calendar:
   - Access a comprehensive vaccination schedule and calendar for their birds directly within the app.
   - Stay informed about upcoming vaccinations, ensuring a proactive approach to disease prevention.

2. Receive Timely Notifications:
   - Receive notifications alerting them to planned vaccinations.
   - Connect seamlessly with vaccinators through the app to ensure timely and coordinated vaccination efforts.

3. Live Tracking for Birds and Vaccination:
   - Engage in real-time tracking of birds and their vaccination status.
   - Monitor the progress of vaccinations as they occur, providing transparency and control over the health management process.

This feature not only streamlines the vaccination process but also facilitates effective communication between farmers and vaccinators. The live tracking aspect adds an extra layer of accountability and transparency, contributing to the overall health and safety of the poultry flock. By leveraging technology to enhance vaccination management, the application aims to fortify disease control measures, ultimately leading to improved farm productivity and the well-being of the poultry.

Content Management System 

For controlling the Hatching Hope application, a Content Management System (CMS) will be employed to efficiently manage and organize the application's content.

Hatching Hope – Features

  • Multi Language Support System
  • Poultry and Vaccination Live Count
  • Multiple User types access
  • Auto Feed Calculator
  • Multiple Farm management
  • Income vs Expense calculator
  • Community Forum
  • Auto text to speech (Articles)
  • Detailed Weather Module
  • Consolidated Reports
  • Automated Push notifications
  • Scheduled Push notifications
  • Bookmarks
  • Detailed Smart Filters
  • Model Poultry House
  • Bio Security Measures
  • Multi Level User Management
  • CMS - User Activity is getting stored
  • Vaccination Schedules
  • Market Linkages